Cashmere and it's Journey

Our luxurious, soft, extremely light weave of cashmere comes from Changra (or Changthangi) breed of goats that are native to the Northern high arid plateaus of Ladakh, India. Intense cold winters in the region cause these goats to grow thick and soft undercoat.

During the spring, as the temperature rise the goats start to shed their fur. The herders harvest the cashmere by combing the fur. This process is done manually since mechanic shearing lead to breakage of the fine fibers of cashmere. There is no killing of any Changra goat in the process of obtaining the fleece. 

The raw fleece is then sent to Kashmir, where the heavy coarse outer fleece is separated from the fine soft undercoat which is then hand spun into a gossamer fine yarn.

The yarns are coated with rice water to provide them strength before weaving, which is later washed off. 

The yarn is either woven in it's natural color or dyed with eco-friendly natural dyes. 

 The yarn is now ready to be hand woven into beautiful soft fabric. 

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